Getting started with Loftware Cloud (previously Nicelabel) Integration

This article gives a quick start on Galley's integration with Loftware Cloud for printing custom documents

When should I consult this article?

You should check this article when:

  • You're trying to decide which Printing Service tool you want to use with Galley.
  • You already use Loftware Cloud and want to explore how it integrates with Galley.
  • You have decided to use Loftware Cloud and would like to know how to configure and use it with Galley.

NOTE: You'll need to be an Admin in your Loftware Cloud Control Center and in your Galley Company to run the steps described in this document.


  1. What is Loftware Cloud?
  2. Why should I use Loftware Cloud?
  3. What are the steps to get this integration working?
  4. How do I get a Loftware Cloud account?
  5. How do I navigate the Loftware Cloud application?
  6. How do I configure my labels?
  7. How do I configure my printers?
  8. How do I connect my Loftware Cloud and Galley Account?
  9. How can I sync my Loftware Cloud account to Galley?
  10. What's the next step?

What is Loftware Cloud?

Loftware Cloud is a powerful printing software solution that helps you print any document you need — from simple receiving labels to complex grab-n-go labels and reports — using your Galley data.

Additionally, Loftware Cloud allows you to print to IP printers ("IP printer" is a printer that is accessible through the Internet) as well as to any local printer, as long as the local printer is connected to a Windows PC.

Because of how Loftware references its documents, you may see the word Label referring to any printed document. Although Labels are the primary use case for this tool, you'll be able to print any type of document you need, including some reports.


Why should I use Loftware Cloud?

Although Galley has several built-in standard document exports (for more information, see Getting Started with Printing in Galley), you may have the business need to customize the standard documents or even create new documents from scratch, adding your company identity and preferences to it.

Loftware Cloud provides an easy, intuitive, and powerful tool to help with that. It allows you to connect any printer you have, as long as this printer is connected to a Windows PC or is an IP printer (accessible through the Internet), and print your labels and other documents directly from Galley, leveraging your data.


What are the steps to get this integration working?

To print using your Galley data, you'll need to follow some configuration steps, which will be detailed in the next sections. Below is an overview.

  1. Get a Loftware Cloud account.
  2. Understand the Loftware Cloud application.
  3. Add your labels to Loftware Cloud.
  4. Configure your printers.
  5. Connect your Loftware Cloud account to Galley.
  6. Sync your printers and labels.
  7. Start printing!

Now, let's delve into each step.


How do I get a Loftware Cloud account?

To integrate with Loftware Cloud, you'll first need a Loftware Cloud account. If you don't have one yet, please get in touch with our team at, and we'll connect you to a Loftware Cloud reseller and support you when integrating with Galley.

If you already have a Loftware Cloud account configured, message us at, and we'll help you set everything up with Galley.


How do I navigate the Loftware Cloud application?

Now that you have access to the Loftware Cloud Control Center, let's take a look at the Loftware Cloud main sections:


Each account in Loftware Cloud has a cloud storage module called Documents (see screenshot above). This section holds all labels and configuration files for your company. Let's define these two sections:

  1. The Labels folder holds all the company's labels. Labels are separated by sub-folders, depending on the label type. Remember: Loftware refers to any type of document as a Label.

    Always ensure you're saving the labels in the correct sub-folder:
    1. Recipe: In this folder, you'll find labels that can be printed using Galley's Recipe data, like recipe name, ingredients, cost, allergens, etc. Recipe labels can be printed from the Recipe Page and the Menu page
    2. Menu_Item: In this folder, you'll find labels for Menu Items that leverage the Galley Recipe data mentioned above but also Galley's Menu data (e.g., serving date, location, menu name, etc) and Galley's Menu item data (menu item volume, volume sold, etc). Menu Item labels can only be printed from the Menu page.
  2. The DefaultFiles folder is the repository for the default configuration files and labels that Galley maintains. The types of files are:
    1. DefaultAutomation: Holds the automation files that will be used for some customers when using printers directly connected through USB. These files will be used during account configuration.
    2. DefaultVariables: Holds various sets of variables to be used in the labels. To learn more, review the article How to create Labels using Loftware Cloud.
    3. DefaultLabels: Here, you'll find and save the default Galley labels provided for all customers.

NOTE: The DefaultLabels are standard labels provided by Galley for you. This folder will be synced daily, so check it when you want to find new labels!

Documents inside the DefaultLabels folder are organized similarly to your Labels folder, using the Recipe and Menu_Item folders. When you find a label you want to use, copy it to the appropriate folder under your own Labels folder.


    In the History section, you can view all printing jobs sent to Loftware Cloud. You can use this module to get more data about your printing job after you send something to print. You can filter by date, show different columns, and use the other tabs to view Errors, Alerts, and System messages.

    You can click any message to view its details. This will show you not only the status of the printing job but also the data sent to Loftware Cloud and a preview of the Label.


    How do I configure my labels?

    When using Loftware Cloud with Galley, you have two options: Galley default labels or Custom labels.

    Use Galley's default labels

    The first option is to use Galley's standard labels, as described in the section above. To use these labels, follow the steps below (check the image below for visuals on the steps):

    1. First, explore the available Galley default labels by navigating through the folders under GalleyDefaultFiles->Default labels. Labels are separated into different folders, depending on the data they use (Recipe, Menu Items, etc.).
    2. Then, select the Label for which you want more information by clicking it once.
    3. Use the preview and details to determine if it's a label you want to use.
    4. Once you identify the labels you want to use, copy them to the Recipe or Menu item folder under your Labels.

    Get your Custom labels.

    Besides using Galley's default labels, you can have custom labels to meet your brand and document standards. For that, you have three options:

    1. Create your own labels: Check How to Create New Labels using Nicelabel/Loftware.
    2. Get custom labels from your Loftware Cloud reseller: They usually create custom labels as a service. Reach out to your reseller and ask them about it, sending the article above as a reference.
    3. Custom labels by Galley: We can also provide custom labels as an add-on service. If you would like to learn more, please contact us at

    Now that your labels are ready, you must ensure your printers are ready. The following section will help you with that.


    How do I configure my printers?

    Loftware Cloud lets you connect your IP-addressable printers (that is, a printed accessible from the internet) and any local printers to a Windows machine. Please refer to their articles at this link for up-to-date information on how to configure.

    To ensure everything is connected, you can print labels once your printers are connected. To do that, right-click on the Label you want to test and click Print. Then, select the printer, add any relevant information, and click Print. See the GIF below for information.

    Now, your Printers and Labels are ready in Nicelabel! Let's connect them to your Galley account and start printing!


    How do I connect my Loftware Cloud and Galley accounts?

    The next step is to connect your Loftware Cloud and Galley accounts. Follow these steps to do that:

    1. In your Nicelabel Control Center, navigate to the section Users, tab Access Roles, and create a new role called Printing.
    2. Add to this new role the permissions to Loftware Control Center, Storage, Manage cloud integrations, and Manage synchronization.
    3. In the tab Users, create a new user for the email and provide it with the role Printing.
    4. Contact Galley's Customer Success Team at and let them know you're ready to proceed with the integration.
    5. Wait for the Galley team to tell you the setup is finished.

    After the connection is ready, visit the next topic to configure and test print a Label.


    How can I sync my Loftware Cloud account to Galley?

    Once your Loftware Cloud and Galley accounts are connected, you must sync the data between them. This process will be the same for Loftware Cloud or any other Printing Service provider you use, so check How do I configure my Printing Service? to complete this step, and then come back here.


    What's the next step?

    Now, your Galley data is ready! The next step is to start printing!

    Please check the article How can I print my Galley data using a Printing Service? and start printing right now!
