How do I generate a pick list in Galley?

Pick Lists inform the kitchen of items that need to be gathered to prepare food. Galley enables you to view/pull pick lists in a few different ways.

There are a few options for pulling a pick list from Galley. The options are summarized below.

  • For a single Menu: All Ingredients are listed at the bottom of a Menu's detail page. To view all Ingredients associated with a Menu:
    • Go to that Menu's detail page
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page
    • Click the down arrow to display All Ingredients associated with the selected Menu(s).
    • When the All Ingredients view is open, click the Export Ingredients List to export an ingredients list for the selected Menu.

  • For multiple Menus (if you have Purchasing turned on): Export an ingredient list from the draft order page. To do this:
    • Go to the Menus catalog.
    • Put a checkmark next to the Menu(s) with which you want to work.
    • At the bottom of the page, click the icon for Purchasing (truck icon).
    • Split by Concept or Filter by Vendors as desired. Then click Proceed.
    • Drop down Actions (top-right) and select Print Ingredients.
  • For anything else (or if you are concerned about the breakdown of preparations): The solution is a custom template

If you would like to explore custom templates inside Galley, please contact the Galley support team or your Customer Success Manager.