Galley's Staging Environment is an environment that is separate from your production Galley kitchen where you can mess with your data without fear of breaking anything.
What is the Staging Environment?
Galley's Staging Environment is an environment that is a copy of -- and entirely separate from -- your production Galley kitchen. It's a useful "sandbox" where you can try new things (like importing or other changes) without fear of messing up your production Galley kitchen.
Once a day, your production Galley kitchen is duplicated to your Staging Environment. This duplication occurs from 7:00 am UTC to approximately noon UTC. You may experience errors in the staging environment during this time. Also, please keep in mind that any changes made to your Staging Environment will not persist after your Production data is pulled into Staging.
Your Staging Environment is included with your Galley subscription.
How do I access the Staging Environment?
Access your Staging Environment by pre-pending "staging-" (without quotes) to your Galley URL. For example, to enter your Staging Environment, change to
You may be asked to log into the Staging Environment. You can use your usual Galley credentials to log in.
How do I know I am in the Staging Environment?
When you're in the Staging Environment, there is a visual reminder at the top-left of every page to reassure you that you're in the right place.
Why would I use the Staging Environment?
For example, if you want to try a big import of data, you could try it in the Staging Environment first. If it goes well, you can confidently repeat the steps in your production Galley kitchen. If the import in staging does not go well, you haven't messed anything up in your production Galley kitchen, and your Staging Environment will be refreshed the next day.
Does the Staging Environment interact with my production Galley kitchen?
No. The Staging Environment does not change your production Galley kitchen at all.
Limitations and cautions about the Staging Environment.
- The Staging Environment is not a permanent place to store data. The data from your Production Environment will be copied into your Staging Environment nightly at 3:00 am Eastern Time. When this occurs, your changes to the Staging Environment will be reset with each refresh. The refresh completes around 7:00 am Eastern Time. During the refresh, you may experience unexpected errors and degraded performance.
- Your Staging Environment does not communicate with your production Galley kitchen. Changes you make in the Staging Environment are not reflected in your production Galley kitchen. Any changes that you make in the Staging Environment would need to be redone in your production Galley kitchen if you want them to appear in that environment.
- The Galley team may use the staging environment to test new functionality. So, certain features may work slightly differently in the staging environment and there is a heightened chance of instability.
- We do not guarantee the uptime of the staging environment. So, you should not create business processes that would cause you to be unable to conduct your normal operations if the staging environment is unavailable for 24-48 hours.
- Custom Templates cannot be exported from the Staging Environment.
- The recipe version history of your Production Environment is not available in the Staging Environment.
- New users cannot be added directly to your Staging Environment. So, for a user to have access to the Staging Environment they will need to be created in your Production Environment. Then, they will be copied into your Staging Environment automatically when the Staging Environment resets.
- NOTE: The locations associated with each user in the Staging Environment may not match those associated with the users in the Production Environment.
- NOTE: Running reports in the Staging Environment will pull the data from your Production Environment.
- NOTE: User permissions in the Staging Environment cannot be managed separately from those in the Production Environment. So, any changes you make to user permissions in Staging will also affect the same user in Production.
- NOTE: Invoice scans uploaded to your Staging Environment will be added to your Production Environment when processed.
How do I exit the Staging Environment?
To leave the Staging Environment, simply remove the "staging-" from your URL. You'll go back to your production Galley kitchen. Note that the visual reminder in the top-left of your screen is gone -- this is your confirmation that you are no longer in the Staging Environment.