With Galley, you can manage user permissions for different areas of the application. Each permission is clearly defined, granting users specific access rights. On the permissions page, the check boxes next to headers are multi-selects that bulk apply or remove the permissions below them. They are not permissions themselves. Additionally, users must first be given view access to an entity for the edit permissions to appear (or access can be granted for both view and edit using the check box next to the section header).
In the following GIF, notice that once a View permission is granted, a set of Edit permissions appear. Also, notice that permissions are applied and removed in bulk using the check boxes next to the section headers.

- Read-only permission prevents users from editing any information in Galley. Users with read-only permission can only read and export information.
- Note: If a user has granular permission listed below, that takes precedence over read-only permissions.
- View Catalog: Allows users to view Recipes, Ingredients, Menus, Dietary Flags, and Preparations. If a user does not have read-only permission, this becomes View and Edit Catalog, as users could edit these entities if granted this permission without read-only.
- Create Recipe: Controls the ability to create recipes, update Recipe Yield, and save/ overwrite Scaled Recipes.
- Edit Media: Add/remove/edit files stored in a recipe.
- Edit Short Code: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Recipe shortcodes.
- Edit Nutritionals: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Recipe nutritional information.
- Edit Recipe Tags: Enable this flag to allow the user to manage (add, delete, edit) Recipe category Tags. Disable this flag and the user will have read-only access to Recipe category Tags.
- Edit Recipe Cooking Methods: Add or remove Cooking Methods to a recipe.
- Edit Recipe Item Cooking Methods: Add or remove a Cooking Method to Components in a recipe.
- Merge Ingredients: Ingredients can be merged from the ingredient catalog page, combining their data.
- Edit USDA Association: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit USDA association with Ingredients.
- Edit External ID: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit the Ingredient's external ID.
- Edit Nutritionals: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Ingredient nutritional information.
- Edit Ingredient Dietary Flag Associations: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Ingredient dietary flag associations. The creation of dietary flags themselves is not enabled by this flag (see below).
- Edit Media: Add/remove/edit files stored in an ingredient.
- Edit Recipe Cooking Methods: Add or remove Cooking Methods to an ingredient.
- Edit Menus: Add items to menus, edit menu information.
- Edit Menu Item Volume Sold: Update the volume sold field on menu items.
- View Collections: View the Collections catalog page.
- Edit Collections: Create and delete collections or update their data such as name.
- Edit Collection Components: Create, update, or delete the components of a collection.
Dietary Flag
- Edit Dietary Flags: Enable this flag to allow the user to create, update, and delete dietary flags.
Cooking Method
- Create Cooking Method: Create new cooking methods.
- Edit Cooking Method: Update cooking method data such as name.
- Delete Cooking Method: Delete cooking methods.
- View Categories: View the categories catalog page.
- Create Categories: Create new categories.
- Delete Categories: Delete categories.
- Edit Category Data: Edit existing category names.
- Create Category Value: Create new category values associated with each category.
- Delete Category Value: Delete category values.
- Edit Category Value: Exit existing category value names.
- View Vendor: Allows users to view vendor items, and to view vendor item to ingredient associations.
- Edit Vendors and Vendor Item Data: Edit vendor data, vendor items, vendor item to ingredient associations, and vendor to location availability.
- Edit Vendor EDI Settings: Edit the EDI settings for a given vendor.
- Edit Vendor Item USDA Association: Associate vendor items with USDA ingredients.
- Edit Vendor Item Nutritionals: Update vendor item nutritional values.
- Edit Vendor Item Dietary Flags Associations: Add or remove dietary flags to vendor items.
- View Location: View the locations catalog page
- Create Location: Create new locations.
- Edit Location Data: Create/Edit/Delete Location Group, Remove/Add Location to Location Group, Import, Edit Name, Edit External ID, Edit Address, Actions.
- Edit Sub Location: Create, delete, and edit sub locations and sub location items.
Creating new locations may affect your billing.
Order Management
- All Orders
- Reopen Order: Can update the status of an order that is no longer Open to be Open.
- Purchase Orders
- View Purchase Order: View the purchase order catalog page.
- Edit Purchase Order: Create, delete, and edit purchase orders and purchase order items.
- Transfer Orders
- View Transfer Order: View the transfer order catalog page.
- Edit Transfer Order: Create and delete transfer orders or edit their such as delivery date and status.
- Edit Transfer Order Item: Create and delete transfer order items.
- Edit transfer order Item Quantity: Edit the quantity of a transfer order item.
- Edit Transfer Order Item Unit: Edit the unit of a transfer order item.
- View Transfers Catalog: View the items that are available to transfer from a location on that location's detail page.
- Edit Transfers Catalog: Can edit the items that are available to be transferred from a location and edit that location's availability to other locations as a source.
- View and Edit Inventory: View the inventory page and have edit access to inventory workflows like cycle counts and receiving.
- Edit Cycle Count Templates: Grants users the ability to create and edit cycle count templates.
- View Production: Create production lists for menus.
- View Reports: Run reports from the reporting catalog page and embedded reports.
Menu Planner
- View cycles: View Menu Cycles.
- Create, Delete, and Publish Cycles: Create, Delete, and Publish Menu Cycles.
- Edit Cycle Data (Cycle, Cycle Events, Item Groups, and Items): Edit Cycle, Cycle Events, Item Groups, and Items.
- Edit Cycle Constraints (Cycle and Item Groups): Edit Constraints for Cycles and Item Groups.
- Edit Cycle Settings: Configure settings for Cycles.
- Edit Cycle Category Values (Cycle Events and Item Groups): Manage category values for Cycle Events and Item Groups.
- View Plans: View existing menu plans.
- Create and Delete Plans: Create new plans and delete existing ones.
- Edit Plan Data: Edit details of Menu Plans.
- Edit Plan Constraints: Adjust Constraints for Menu Plans.
- Edit Plan Settings: Configure Menu Plan Settings.
- View Events: View all plan events.
- Create and Delete Events: Create new plan events and delete existing ones.
- Approve and Edit Approved Events: Approve events. Modify approved event details.
- Cycle Counts: Perform cycle-based inventory counts.
- Purchase: Manage purchasing requirements related to plan events.
- Produce: Create production lists for plan events.
- Edit Event Data: Modify event-specific data.
- Edit Event Category Values: Adjust category values assigned to events.
- Create and Delete Item Groups: Add and remove item groups
- Edit Item Group Data: Modify group details such as names and descriptions.
- Edit Item Group Category Values: Adjust category values assigned to item groups.
- Create and Delete Items: Add and remove individual items from Menu Plan
- Edit Item Data: Modify details such as item names, descriptions, and pricing
- Edit Item Volume Sold: Update the volume sold field on items.
Production Planner

Invoices: Invoices permissions allow users to grant specific permissions on the Invoices workflow like approving, creating, viewing, and editing specific areas of invoices.
- View Invoices: Can view invoices.
- Approve Invoices: Can approve invoices.
- Create Invoices: Can create and upload invoices.
- Edit Invoices: Edit invoice header data, such as Location, Date, and Total Value.
- View Invoice Items: Can view invoice items.
- Edit Invoice Items: Can edit invoice items, including manual matching.
For more information on how to apply user permissions, check out this article.