With Galley, you have the ability to manage user permissions for different areas of the application. Each permission is clearly defined, granting users specific access rights. On the permissions page, if a header has a radio button (circle button), it controls the ability to view that particular aspect of Galley. For example, in the image below, the Vendor header allows users to view vendor data, while the other headers control editing access to various aspects of vendor data.
- Read-only permission prevents users from editing any information in Galley. Users with read-only permission can only read and export information.
- Note: If a user has granular permission listed below, that takes precedence over read-only permissions.
Catalog: Allows users to view Recipes, Ingredients, and Menus.
There are four distinct catalog sections within Galley, each with specific permissions:
- Create Recipe: Controls the ability to create recipes, update Recipe Yield, and save/ overwrite Scaled Recipes.
- Edit Media: Add/remove/edit files stored in a recipe.
- Edit Short Code: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Recipe shortcodes.
- Edit Nutritionals: Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Recipe nutritional information.
- Edit Recipe tags: Enable this flag to allow the user to manage (add, delete, edit) Recipe category Tags. Disable this flag and the user will have read-only access to Recipe category Tags.
- Edit Recipe Cooking Methods: Add or remove Cooking Methods to a Recipe
- Edit Recipe Item Cooking Methods: Add or remove a Cooking Method to Components in a Recipe.
- Edit USDA association. Enabling this flag allows the user to edit USDA association with Ingredients.
- Edit external ID. Enabling this flag allows the user to edit the Ingredient's external ID.
- Edit nutritionals. Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Ingredient nutritional information.
- Edit ingredient dietary flag associations. Enabling this flag allows the user to edit Ingredient dietary flag associations. Ingredient dietary flag creation is not enabled by this flag (see below).
Dietary Flag
- Edit dietary flags: Enable this flag to allow the user to create, update, and delete dietary flags.
- Edit menus: Add items to menus, edit menu information.
- Note: “Edit Menus” allows users to edit the information in a given menu page, even if they are Read-Only.
- View Collections: Allows access to view the Collections module.
- Edit Collections: Permits adding, removing, and updating items within collections.
- Edit Collection Components Permission: Enables editing of specific items or within a collection without altering its overall structure.
Vendor: Allows users to view vendor items, and to view vendor item to ingredient associations.
- Edit vendors.
- Edit vendor EDI settings.
- Edit vendor item USDA association.
- Edit vendor item Nutritionals.
- Edit vendor item dietary flags associations.
Note: "Edit Vendors" allows users to remove/add vendor groups to location groups, remove/add vendor and vendor groups to sources, and remove/add source locations to sources from the Locations module.
Location: Within location management, users can be granted specific permissions.
- View Location
- Create Location: Create and edit the location name.
- Edit Location: Create/Edit/Delete Location Group, Remove/Add Location to Location Group, Import, Edit External ID, Edit Address, Actions.
Order Management: Within order management, users can be granted specific permissions in two sections:
- All orders
- Reopen Orders: The user can reopen all purchase orders.
- Purchase Orders
- View Purchase Order
- Edit Purchase Order
- Transfer Orders
- View transfer order
- Edit transfer order
- Edit transfer order item
- Edit transfer order item quantity
- Edit Transfer Order Item Unit
- View Transfers Catalog
- Edit Transfers Catalog
Note: "Edit Transfer Order" allows users to Remove/Add Destination Groups to Transfers, Remove/Add Destination Location to Transfers, and Remove/Add Items to Transfers from the Locations module.
Inventory: Inventory permissions control access to the Inventory page, including the ability to access it and view receiving events.
- Edit cycle count templates: Grants users the ability to create and edit cycle count templates.
Menu Planner: Grants access to view the Menu Planner module.
- View Menu Planner
- Edit Menu Planner: Enables modification of menu plans, including creating, editing, and deleting.
Production: Production Planner permissions allow users to create production lists for existing menus via the Production Planner module. If you also enable Inventory permissions, you can create new inventories from your menus.
Categories: Categories permissions allow users access to view the categories catalog,
- Create categories: Create categories
- Edit categories.
- Delete categories.
- Create category values associated with each category.
- Edit category values associated with each category.
- Delete category values associated with each category.
Reporting: Reporting permissions allow users to view the reporting module and run reports.
- Report viewer: Can view reports.
Invoices: Invoices permissions allow users to grant specific permissions on the Invoices workflow like approving, creating, viewing, and editing specific areas of invoices.
- Approve invoices: Can approve invoices.
- Create invoices: Can create and upload invoices.
- View invoices: Can view invoices.
- Edit invoices: Edit invoice header data, such as Location, Date, and Total Value.
- View invoices items: Can view invoice items.
- Edit invoice items: Can edit invoice items, including manual matching.
- Note: “Edit Vendor” also allows users to create new Vendor Items and Units from the Invoice module.
For more information on how to apply user permissions, check out this article.