Learn how to utilize and convert Ingredient Units in Galley.
Ingredient units are very important in Galley. Without knowing how much of each ingredient used in a recipe, the recipe becomes useless.
A type of conversion that is very important for many ingredients is a density conversion. Density conversions are from a unit of weight to a unit of volume or vice-versa. A density conversion is important for ingredients because ingredients are often purchased in one type of unit and measured in a different type of unit. For example, Salt is often purchased by weight (by the pound) while it is measured into a recipe by a unit of volume (teaspoons, etc.).
Ingredients have a way to receive a density conversion in a way that Recipes do not: by linking the Ingredient to an item in the USDA database.
Density conversions can be added manually. When a density conversion is added manually, it will overwrite a density conversion that is brought in by the USDA.
In the image above, there is a custom unit for this Ingredient, "pinch," which is defined in a unit of volume (teaspoon). Additionally, there is a density conversion from teaspoons to grams.
With the set of ingredient conversions above, Salt can be called on in terms of a pinch, a unit of volume, or a unit of weight, and Galley knows how much of the ingredient is required.
- Custom Units are light green.
- Units of Weight are dark green.
- Units of Volume are gold.
For information about Units, please refer to this article.