How do I create a Menu Cycle?

See a step-by-step to start creating Menu Cycles.

To begin creating Menu Cycles, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the Menu Planner page

Tap on the plus sign to initiate the creation of a menu cycle.

Step 2: Go to the creation page

1- Provide a name for the menu cycle.

2- Specify the total budget for the cycle. 

3- Enter the duration of the cycle by indicating the number of days it will last.

4- Input the Event Expected Attendance. 

Enter the duration of the cycle by indicating the number of days it will last. This is mandatory information, so ensure you input the correct number of days.

Select the desired vendor.

Step 3: Click on "Create"

This was redirected to the Cycle page.

Now, you should be redirected to the Weekly view page. Check the following articles to see more details about this page:

How do I build a Cycle?

How do I publish a Cycle?