How do I create and manage a Collection?

A Collection is a set of commonly-used items grouped together to represent bars.

Step 1: Go to the Recipe Catalog page

On the Recipe Catalog page switch to the "Collections" tab.

Step 2: Create a Collection

1 - Click on the "+" sign to create a new Collection.

2 - Provide a name for the Collection and tap to create it.

Step 3: Fulfill all the Collection information

Within a Collection, you have the option to add a sales price, an external name, a description, and procedures. Additionally, you can assign category values to the Collection.

Once you have added items to the Collection, you will be able to view the cost based on the Location.

Step 4: Manage Collections 

1 - To delete a Collection, select the "Actions" button and choose the "Delete" option.

2 - To add items to a Collection, click on the items table. For a more detailed guide, refer to the specific instructions provided here.