What is the mandatory information needed to create a Production Plan?

Galley validates recipe information to optimize the production of your recipes. Here's how...

To ensure users have a fast and accurate result, Galley validates that all mandatory information is present in your Recipes and Menus before creating a Production Plan.

If any information is missing, Galley will display the errors found, request that you fix them, and retry the plan before proceeding.

To make sure you are properly set up before creating your Production Plan, it's essential to check if the data is appropriately completed.

Here is the required information broken down by levels:

Recipe level:

Prep time
This represents the length of time to prepare each recipe. It helps Galley understand the production hierarchy and how far in advance a sub-recipe needs to be started before cooking its parent recipes.

Important: Each recipe has its own prep time. It is not the sum of all sub-recipes prep time for cooking a parent recipe.

The length of time for which an item remains usable and fit for consumption.

Unit conversions
Conversions allow Galley to call on the recipe through the associated unit types, and they will let Galley know to scale the recipe to the desired quantity and unit.

A recipe's units are all centered around one measurement: the recipe's yield.

Menu level:

Service Date

The date on which the menu is expected to be served.