How do I create a nutrition label?

Galley makes it easy to generate nutrition labels for any of your recipes. To do this, select the recipe you want a label for and go to the Nutrition tab. Then click the “Nutrition Label” button which is located above the nutritional values.

A nutritional label will be generated based on the nutritional values of the set serving size. The label can be automatically scaled and customized by editing the values on the right side of the window. You can also make the label horizontal by toggling the Use Horizontal Label button.

Each label includes an ingredient list, ordered by the quantity used in the recipe. This list can be edited by clicking into the Ingredients text box. You can include allergens in the label as well by toggling the Allergens button at the bottom of the window.

Reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information if the nutritional values feature has not yet been activated in your account.

Disclaimer: We advise that users must consult with legal/nutritional professionals to verify the accuracy of the nutritional labels produced using Galley.