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- Recipes
- Deleting Recipes
How do I restore a recipe version?
Create a new recipe from a recipe version.
A version history is saved when any of the following aspects of a recipe are edited:
- Name
- Yield
- Short code
- Components
- Procedure
The version history of a recipe can be seen at the bottom of each recipe's name. Each version has a reference number, a timestamp of when the change occurred, and the user who performed the change that created the version.
When opening a recipe version, you can compare the previous version of the recipe and the current version. Additionally, you can create a new recipe from the previous recipe version. Click the Create New Recipe from Version button to create a new recipe from the selected version. This will not change the original recipe.
The resulting recipe will have the components and procedure of the selected version and have v{version number} appended to the name of the recipe name, for example, "v236" in the screenshot below.