What browsers and devices are supported by Galley?

Browsers and devices we recommend for the best Galley experience.

Browser Support Policy

The Galley team aims to ensure our application works well on all modern standards-compliant browsers. Here are some recommendations to help you have the best experience in our application.

Recommended browsers

Use one of these browsers on one of these platforms and everything should look pretty much as it does in our concept design: 

Desktop (PC/Mac/Linux)

Apple iPad

Android Tablet

Chrome 99 and higher 

Chrome 99 and higher

Chrome 99 and higher

Supported browsers

Everything will work well, but you may experience some differences in the look and feel when compared to the recommended browsers: 

Desktop (PC/Mac/Linux)

Apple iPad

Android Tablet

Microsoft Edge 90 and higher

Firefox 99 and higher

Safari 99 and higher

Safari 99 and higher 

Recommended Device Resolutions

Since Galley frequently uses tables to represent data, we recommend the usage of high resolutions.

Desktop (PC/Mac/Linux)

Apple iPad

Android Tablet

Apple iPhone

Android Phone

1024px and above

768px and above

768px and above

Not supported*

Not supported*

Device and Resolution Compatibility

Galley is optimized for screen resolutions of 1024 pixels and above to ensure the best user experience.

Tablet-Optimized Pages

While most of the application is designed for larger screens, the following pages are specifically optimized for tablet resolutions:

  • Cycle Counts Page
  • Receiving Page

Mobile Device Compatibility

Galley is not currently tested or recommended for devices with screen resolutions below 768 pixels, such as smartphones and small tablets. While the application may be accessible on these devices, users may experience limited functionality and suboptimal performance. For the best experience, we recommend using a device with a larger screen.