Definitions for Galley Terminology
Galley Terminology is listed alphabetically by section. Click the link in the Table of Contents to jump to that section.
Table of Contents |
- API: Galley features an open Application Programming Interface (API) that allows external programs to exchange data with Galley.
- Canonical Units: Canonical units are standard units of measure. These units have the same definition across every item and every organization. Canonical units are units of volume (gallon, liter, etc.), units of weight (ounces, grams, etc.), and "each."
Catalog Page: The catalog page is the first page you see after clicking on any item from the left-hand toolbar.
- Categories: Categories (also referred to as Tags) are used to group menus, menu items, recipes, ingredients, vendor items, and purchase orders. They can be used for filtering during the advanced workflows or the catalog pages. When creating a Category in Galley, you give the Category a Name and Values (e.g., Category Name = "Meal Type", Category Values = "Appetizer", "Main", "Dessert").
- Concepts: Concepts are a way to group recipes and menus so they can be filtered during menu workflows or within catalog pages. Concepts are most appropriate when a food service organization is distributed under multiple brands.
- Custom Units: Custom units are non-canonical units that are individual to each item in your account. They can be created and applied anywhere that units are used (e.g. “pinch”, “sprig”, “case”).
Detail Page: Each entity's own dedicated page.
- Error Report: The Error Report is generated after clicking the "Find Errors" button that can be found on the recipe, ingredient, and menu pages. This report tells you what issues the specific item has that may affect costing. Some errors include missing unit conversion, missing cost unit, and missing cost.
- Filtering: Filtering is available on all catalog pages and in the advanced workflows. Category tags can always be used as filters, but other filter options (Concepts, etc.) may differ between pages.
- Help Center: The help center is a collection of articles meant to answer your specific questions. Fun fact: you're in the Help Center now!
- Learning Center: The learning center is the one-stop-shop for Galley training. Its large (and growing!) course library covers nearly all things Galley, from the most basic to the most advanced topics.
- Module: Each of the main portions of Galley are referred to as modules. The current modules include Recipes, Nutrition, Production, Inventory, and Purchasing.
- Resource: Any entity in the system. Recipes, ingredients, orders, and preparations are some examples of resources.
- Tags: See Categories in this section.
Unit Conversions: Unit Conversions are used to convert between two different units. They are often used to convert between ingredient volume and density, or different vendor item pack sizes.
- Workflows, Advanced: The advanced workflows are menu-based workflows including Production, Inventory, and Purchasing.
- Workflows, Basic: The basic workflows include general recipe creation, recipe costing, and menu planning.
- Allergens: Allergens represent the common dietary restrictions. "Dietary Flags" are marked for ingredients (e.g. bread > gluten) and they populate in each recipe that uses the ingredient as an "Allergen" (e.g. grilled cheese > bread > gluten).
- Component: Component recipes, or sub-recipes, are intended to be components in other recipes (e.g. marinades, sauces, sides) and aren’t served or sold on their own.
- Cost (aka Food Cost): This is how much the recipe costs to produce. It is based on the costs and quantities of the components.
- Description: A recipe can have a description assigned that describes the dish as a whole. This field can be accessed through the API and can be added to custom templates.
- External Name: A recipe can have an external name that is different from the given name in Galley. This field is accessible through the API.
- Food Cost %: The percentage of the recipe price that the food cost makes up. The margin is the inverse of this.
- Parent Recipe: Parent recipes are the final “Sellable” recipes, the ones that are sold and served. They can contain any number of ingredients and sub-recipes as components. See also Sub-Recipe in this section.
- Photo: Any images included to supplement a recipe. An attached image will appear with a recipe in recipe and production PDFs.
- Price: This only appears when the recipe is labeled as “Sellable”. It is the price that the recipe is sold at.
- Recipe: A recipe in its most basic form is a collection of components—ingredients and sub-recipes. To function properly, all components must be assigned a quantity and the recipe must be assigned a yield.
- Scale: Scaling a recipe lets you adjust all the component quantities according to your desired yield. It can be done temporarily to generate a printable PDF, or it can be used to change the yield of a recipe entirely within Galley.
- Sellable: Sellable recipes, or parent recipes, are intended to be the final recipes that are served, and aren’t included in any other recipes. When a recipe is marked as Sellable a recipe price field appears.
- Shelf Life (Days): The amount of time until a recipe or ingredient spoils.
- Short Code: Short codes are internal Galley IDs that are used to link recipes and Caterease Items when importing menus. Short codes are different for every customer and can be automatically generated in Galley.
- Sub-Recipe: These are “Component” recipes that are included as components in other (parent) recipes. They aren’t the final recipes that are sold or served. A Sub-Recipe can be used in any number of parent recipes, such as a sub-recipe for Marinara Sauce being used for both Chicken Parmesan and Lasagna parent recipes.
- Yield: The yield the total amount of a recipe that is produced.
Main section of the Recipe detail page
Components: All of the ingredients and sub-recipes that make up a recipe.
- Item Cost: The cost of each component in a recipe, based on the quantity used.
- Notes: Any additional information included in the recipe.
- Procedure: These are the instructions for preparing the recipe. It can contain any information that the customer wants, including prep time.
- Shareable Views: A shareable view is a customizable recipe card that can be accessed via a QR code or URL.
- Total Cost: The total cost for a given recipe, based on the quantities and cost of ingredients, and additional factors like trim yields.
Usage: The quantity of each component in a recipe.
Untrimmed Usage: The quantity of each component needed before accounting for trim yields (e.g. if the yield of a component is 50%, and you need 0.5 each for a recipe, then the untrimmed usage is 1 each).
- Versions: Whenever changes are made to a recipe, it is saved as a new version.
Nutrition on Recipe detail page
- Component Nutritional Values: This table breaks down the nutrient contribution of each recipe component.
- Contribution %: The contribution % represents how much of a total component's nutrients may be consumed by the customer. For example, in a marinade, a fraction of the total amount that is put into the recipes gets absorbed and therefore consumed by the customer. Therefore, the contribution % should be adjusted accordingly.
- Cooking Method: Cooking methods allow for recipe components to be measured based on their raw quantities while the nutritional values of the recipe are based on their cooked quantities and nutritional values.
Nutrition: Nutrition for a recipe is calculated as the summation of all nutritional values of the recipe's components.
Serving Size: The serving size of a recipe, as decided by the user, which is used on the Nutritional Label. The yield of a recipe is automatically used as the serving size if the user doesn’t change it. If the user changes a recipe's serving size, all nutrient values will scale accordingly.
- Cost: An ingredient's cost per unit must be entered to have recipe costs. If the ingredient is linked to a vendor item, this cost will be automatically brought in. If it is not, the cost can be manually set.
- Dietary Flags: When an ingredient violates a certain dietary restriction/allergen, it can be marked with a dietary flag. The FDA compliant list of dietary flags automatically exists in Galley, but custom flags can be added as well. After connecting to an ingredient, the dietary flag will pull into all recipes that use that ingredient.
External ID: Similar to a recipe's short code, an ingredient external id is a user-defined unique identifier for an ingredient. External ID's are often used for integrations with other systems.
External Name: An ingredient's external name is how users would like the ingredient to appear on nutrition labels. By default, this is set to the ingredient's name as it appears in Galley, but it can be manually adjusted.
- Ingredient: Ingredients are the most basic building blocks of recipes. Through ingredients, recipes access nutrition and cost information.
- Inventory Unit: The inventory unit is the originally suggested unit that will appear when taking a cycle count. However, users will have the ability to change the unit of measure from the inventory unit while taking a cycle count if they so choose. If the ingredient is connected to a vendor item, the vendor item's inventory unit will take precedent over the ingredient's inventory unit.
Main section of the Ingredient detail page
- Density: Density is a unit conversion from any unit of volume to any unit of weight or vice versa.
- Preparation: Preparations represent any processing that needs to be done to an ingredient before it goes into a recipe. Some examples include mince, peel, and drain. Preparations can be applied while in a recipe or while bulk editing ingredient usages.
- Usages: An ingredient's usages are every recipe that uses a given ingredient. They can be multi-selected and bulk edited from the bottom of an ingredient's page.
- USDA Ingredients: Galley gives users the ability to link their ingredients with items from the USDA database. Once the link is made, nutritional information and often density information will be added to the ingredient automatically.
- Vendor Item: Vendor items are the source of cost information in Galley. They must be connected to your ingredients for your costs to be brought into Galley and for you to take full advantage of the Inventory and Purchasing workflows.
Yield %: A given ingredient's yield % represents the amount of loss an ingredient experiences between when it is purchased and when it is put into a recipe. The yield % can be added to the ingredient as a whole or based on preparations.
Nutrition on Ingredients detail page
Serving Size: An ingredient's serving size represents the total amount of the ingredient that the ingredient's nutrients are based on. When an ingredient is linked to a USDA ingredient, this value is set to 100g. Unlike when a recipe's serving size is adjusted, when there are edits to an ingredient's serving size the associated nutrients do not scale.
Vendors & Vendor Items
- Barcode: A unique identifier that is used to identify a given vendor item during loading.
- Cost Unit: The unit that the cost of a vendor item is based in (e.g. case, pack, lb, etc.)
- EDI: Electronic Data Interchange. This is a connection that is set up between your vendors and Galley that allows for automatic vendor item updates.
- External ID: A unique identifier that is given to a vendor item for it to be identified by another tool or service.
Ingredient List: These are all ingredients that can be found in a purchased item. For example, ketchup includes tomato, salt, etc. The items that are found in a vendor item's ingredient list will be pulled into the nutrition labels of recipes that use the associated ingredient.
- Pack Size Conversions: This is a breakdown used when importing vendor data that gives Galley more information about the size that a vendor item is sold as. The goal of a pack size conversion is to convert the cost unit to something that is useable by an ingredient.
- SKU: A vendor item's SKU is the unique identifier that a vendor uses to identify an item. In Galley, we use SKU to match vendor items for price updates.
Vendor: A supplier who services your organization.
- Vendor Groups: A vendor group is a collection of vendors that service a specific location or region.
Vendor Item: A vendor item is something that you purchase from your suppliers. Unlike ingredients, vendor items cannot be put into recipes. Rather, you must connect your vendor items to your ingredients in order to pull in your cost information.
- Absolute: Absolute volume tells you the total production amount for each menu item
- Date: The date a menu will be served or produced.
- Food Cost: How much it costs to produce each recipe, based on vendor item costs and production volume.
- Food Cost Mode: This toggle lets you choose between viewing food cost for each menu item as the “Total” sum based on total volume, or per “Unit”, with cost broken dow1n for each item produced. This doesn’t affect the total “Menu Food Cost”.
- Location: The location where a specific menu is produced and/or served.
- Margin: This is the margin of profit, or how much money is made after accounting for food cost (for example, if a recipe costs $4 to make, but is sold for $10, the margin is 60%).
Menu Food Cost: The total cost to produce all the recipes in a menu.
- Menu Items: Each recipe included in a menu is listed as a menu item.
- Menu Margin: This is the gross margin for the whole menu, accounting for food cost minus sales price.
Menu Sales Value: The total cost that the recipes in a menu are sold for.
- Per Head: This allows you to specify how much of each menu item will be produced per person. In order to use Per Head volume mode, you need to specify the total head count for that menu.
- Sale Price: How much the recipe is sold for. Only “Sellable” recipes have a sales price. If a recipe already has a sales price, it will automatically get pulled into the menu, but the price can be changed for each individual menu.
- Volume: The production amount for each menu item. If you have the “Absolute” Volume Mode turned on, then you only see the total volume of each menu item. If you have the “Per Head” Volume Mode turned on, each individual menu item volume can be counted either by “Total” or “Per Head”. “Per Head” allows you to portion each menu item “per head” and Galley calculates the cost and volume total for the head count automatically.
- Volume Mode: This toggle lets you pick the format of the volume of each menu item.
Volume Sold: The amount of a given item that was actually sold compared to the amount that was produced. This quantity is based on the unit that is set in the volume column.
Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders: Order forms to be sent to a vendor. They can be generated automatically based on the production requirements of a set of menus, or created manually.
Status: A purchase order's status represents its current state. A purchase order can be sent, open, canceled, archived, or completed.
- Total Cost Total Anticipated Cost Per Unit. This value represents the total amount you expect to pay for a given item. Total Cost = Unit Cost * Quantity.
Unit Cost: This value represents the expected price of a given item per unit. This cost is based on the vendor item's cost in Galley.
Cycle Counts
Cycle Count: A cycle count is a physical inventory count. Cycle counts can be created based on production requirements or cycle count templates.
Cycle Count Template: A cycle count template can be created to take a total inventory of a given storage location. For example, a user could create a cycle count template that represents all items in their walk-in. A cycle count based on that template would include all items in that storage area as opposed to a menu-based cycle count which would only include the items needed for the upcoming production.
- Ad Hoc Receiving Event: A receiving event that has been created just in time, rather than from an order.
- Expected Receiving Event: Inventory that is expected to be received based on a sent order.
- Receiving Event: A receiving event is when an item is expected to be received, has been received, has been canceled, or has been rejected.
Category-Based Permission: It's one different type of permission that restrict editing access based on tag and tag value.
Resource: It's one of the Galley's functionalities (e.g menu, menu items, ingredients, orders, recipes, vendor items) that the user wants to create a restriction on.